I am a major decor geek and a mom in training. But most of all, I am a wanderer. I love to travel and have weird and strange new experiences in far off places. I have travelled extensively for work and pleasure; mostly pleasure. I am just starting to figure out how to continue to do that, as a single mother of a 5 yr old boy.
I will try not to bore you all with my wild and crazy ramblings about motherhood and how I am the best mother on earth and how everything I do is sunshine and gold. Truth be told, I often struggle with motherhood and what I think are my failings. But hey, few people like to talk about those things...so instead, we will talk about things that I do well, like: decor8ing, party planning, cooking and travelling. Perhaps with a few funnies about my misadventures in motherhood.
This is my little boy when he was much younger...yet still so darn cute!!!
Here's one of my newest creations in progress. I am still on the hunt for a beveled mirror for the top, to hide the damage caused by humidity. This girl is old, but she sure is pretty!